토익 스피킹 (TOEIC)
파트별 고득점 전략
[ Part1 ]
1. 강세 : 중요한 정보를 전달하는 단어를 다른 단어보다 강하게 읽자.
- 의미 전달에 중요한 역할을 하는 명사와 동사를 강하게 읽자. ex) registration form must, by the first of July
- 숫자와 고유명사를 강하게 읽자. ex) 751, Sydney
- 부정어를 강하게 읽자. ex) Don't, Not
- 비교급과 최상급을 강하게 읽자. ex) fastest
- 명사구 (형용사 + 명사)는 두 단어 모두 강하게 읽자. ex) international company
2. 억양 : 단어의 마지막 음을 상황에 맞게 올리거나 내리자.
- 콤마가 붙은 단어는 마지막 음을 올리자.
- ex) To leave a message ↑, please ...
- 3개의 명사 (형용사)가 열거된 경우 첫 두 항목의 마지막 음은 올리고, 세 번째 항목은 내리자.
- ex) Visit ... our new collection↑, discounted producted↑ and upcoming events↓.
- 의문문은 마지막 음을 올리자.
- ex) Are you looking for the elevators? ↑
3. 끊어 읽기 : 적절한 곳에서 문장을 끊어 읽으면 더 자연스럽게 발음할 수 있다.
- 접속사 and, or, but, as 앞에서 끊어 읽자.
- ex) Welcome / and ...
- 관계대명사 that, what, which 앞에서 끊어 읽자.
- ex) We will meet various animals / that live in the water.
- 분사구문 앞에서 끊어 읽자.
- ex) We are going to review the data / presented in the meeting.
- 3단어 이상의 긴 주어의 경우 동사 앞에서 끊어 읽자.
- ex) Our hours of operation / are from 11 a.m and 10 p.m.
[ Part 2 ]
※ 파란색 줄은 다 암기하도록 하자. → 시험 출제
1단계 : 장소 설명
> I think this picture was taken in a (발음 : 인 - 어) kitchen.
자주 쓰는 표현
- It looks like this picture was taken in a kitchen.
- This picture shows a busy office scene.
- 사물 상태 p.p , 사람 상태 ~ing
2단계 : 인원수 설명
> There are 3 people in it.
자주 쓰는 표현
- There are four people in this picture.
3단계 : 주요 대상 설명
- On the left side of the picture, a woman in cooking something in a frying pan. (사진의 왼쪽에)
- She is wearing a blue jacket.
- In the middle of the picture, a girl is reading a book at a table. (사진의 가운데에)
- Next to her, a boy is using a laptop computer. (~ 옆에)
- In the background of the picture, there is a large window. (사진의 배경에)
- 이 외에도, At the bottom of the picture (사진의 아래쪽에), In the foreground of the picture (사진의 앞쪽에), ...
- 추가적으로, between, next to, in front of, behind, across from, ... 굉장히 많이 쓴다!
대상 묘사 ?
- 인물 : 대상의 위치 + 주어 + 동사의 진행형
- 사물 : 대상의 위치 + (there is 명사 / I can see 명사)
4단계 : 느낌 및 의견
> It seems like the woman is cooking something for her children.
자주 쓰는 표현
- It seems like the 장소 is very (quiet / noisy / crowded).
- ex) ~ the kitchen is very peaceful.
[ Question1 ]
※ 알아둬야 할 단어 : On behalf of : ~를 대표하여, feature : 특색으로 삼다, 포함하다, reception : 축하
[ Question2 ]
Are you (발음 : 얼 ~ 유) looking for accommodations in Stanton Beach for your summer vacation? During the months of June, July, and August, hotel prices can be extremely high. But Bondwell (발음 : 본 ㄷ 웰) Rentals offers furnished houses and apartments for large groups at very reasonable prices. And all of our properties are just steps away from the ocean! To learn more, contact our office today!
※ 알아둬야 할 단어 : accommodation : 숙박시설 , property : 부동산, 건물, just steps away : 아주 가까운, 인접한
[ Question3 ]
→ 그림을 보고, 스피킹을 하는 유형이다. 자주 쓰는 Words, Sentences 는 알아두자.
I think this picture was taken in a market.
★ market은 한국어에서 나온 영어이다. Supermarket 또는 Department store이 맞는 표현이다.
There are 3 customers and 2 employees. (There are several people in this picture.)
On the left side of the picture, a woman is handing over a credit card to the cashier. (hand over : 건내주다)
Behind them, some people are standing in a row. (in a row : 한 줄로)
(Behind her, he is waiting his turn. (waiting turn : 차례를 기다리다.))
On the right side of the picture, a man is reaching for some groceries to put them in the paper bag.
(reach for : 어떤 물건을 잡으려고 손이나 발, 팔을 뻗치다.)
He is wearing a red vest. (vest : 조끼)
In the background of the picture, I can see a variety of products displayed on the shelves.
(displayed : (사물) 진열되어있다 , shelves : 선반)
It seems like they are busy shopping. (be busy ~ing : ~하는데에 바쁘다.)
※ To 부정사 : 동사, 형용사, 부사
유의해야 할 점
- 모든 인물에 인상착의를 더할 필요는 없다. 비중이 큰 인물만 인상착의를 추가로 설명해주자!
- hand over A to B = pass A to B
- 같은 동작을 하는 사람들은 한 문장으로 함께 설명해주자!
[ 과제 ]
[ Question1 ]
Come and watch the latest blockbusters at Cineworld Cinema, the newly opened multiplex theater located in the heart of Baytown at the Baldwin Plaze. With five mega-screens, 500 seats with ample legroom, a cafe featuring premium espresso coffee, and an electronic reservation system, Cineworld promises an unforgettable experience. What's more, the first one hundred patrons will receive a free tub of popcorn. Come as a group of five or more and enjoy 15% off the price of regular admission. Cineworld is operated by the Cinematic Corporation.
※ ample : 충분한 , patron : 후원자 , tub : 통 , admission : 가입 , Corporation : 법인
[ Question2 ]
※ commute : 통근 , indicate : 나타내다, 지시하다 , detour : 우회
[ Question3 ]
I think this picture was taken in a department store. There are 1 customer and 1 employee.
On the left side of the picture, a woman who is wearing red neat is looking at a yellow bag. At the same time, She is holding a bag. It seems like she likes the bag. Behind her, some customers are shopping. On the right side of the picture, a man who is wearing v-neck neat is recommending a bag to a woman. At the same time, a man is giving her a look, telling her that the bag looks good on her. In the background of the picture, I can see a variety of products displayed on the shelves and some hangers. (It seems like they are peaceful.)
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