비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 1/수업 필기 11

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 기말고사 준비

Question 11. Some people think that owning a pet has many benefits. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Why? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. My Answer : I agree that owning a pet has many benefits. Raising a pet can be fun for whole family. When I was an elementary school student, our family had a dog. We used to play with him. Sometimes, we went for a walk to the park..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (9)

My Answer : I think this picture was taken in a cafeterria's stair. There are three people in this picture. On the left side of the picture, a woman who is wearing glasses is looking behind her. The other woman who is wearing white shirt is also looking at her. The right side of the picture, a woman who is wearing black shirt is opening the door. It seems like they are going somewhere after eati..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (8)

[알아두면 좋은 표현]I got scammed : 사기 당했다 Question 11. Which do you think contributes more to a famous athlete's success : luck or hard work? Why? Give reasons or  examples to support your opinion. Answer : I think hard work contributes more to a famous athlete's success, because even athletes who are very talented need to work hard to be good at the sports they play.The famous football player named So..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 중간고사 준비

Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In order for business leaders to be successful, they need to be skilled at negotiating.Give specific reasons or examples to support your opinion. A. I agree that in order for business leaders to be successful, they need to be skilled at negotiating.The reason is simple. First of all, negotiation is necessary when hiring employees.Also, bei..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (7)

※ Tip : taken in a lab : 연구실에서 찍은, reaching for a box : 상자를 향해 손을 뻗은[ 상황 설명 ] A. I think this picture was taken in a lab. In the front of the picture, a man who is wearing green coat is looking at a computer screen. I think he is studying something. In the background of the picture, a woman who is wearing white coat is reaching for a box. It seems like they are scientists.  A. I think this pictu..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (6)

Hi, I heard about your rafting trips, and I'd like to get some information.Q8. Where are you located, and in what months do you have rafting trips?A. We are located on 230 River Road and we have rafting trips from May through September.A. We are locate on 230 River Road and we have rafting trips from May to September.  ※ Tip : 번지수 앞에는 on이나 at을 사용하자.  Q9. I don't own any rafting equipment. Do I n..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (5)

[ 지난 과제 피드백 ] Q11. What is the best way for a company to improve its sales? Choose ONE of the options provided below, and give reasons or examples to support your opinion. By introducing a new product By improving its customer service By launching an advertising campaign I think the best way for a company to improve its sales is improving its customer service. First of all, I saw the news that t..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (4)

[ PART4 : 아래와 같은 샘플 지문에 대한 답변을 참고하자 ] Thompson Career Training Center Courses in Publishing January 20 - March 24 Fee : $80/course COURSE DAY TIME Advertising : A Key to Success Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Marketing New Publications Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:30 A.M. Career Options in Publishing Wednesdays 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. Finding Skilled Writers Fridays 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. Owning and Running a Magazine Frid..

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (3)

[ PART 3 : 세 개의 질문에 아래와 같은 전략을 참고하여 답변해보자 ] 5 ~ 6번 문제 답변 전략 ? 주어 선정 질문의 you를 I로 바꾸거나, 'the + 명사' 부분을 답변의 주어로 사용하자. Q. When was the last time you went to a park and what did you do there? A. The last time I went to a park ~. 다음 세부 사항에 유의해서 답변하기 Q. When(의문사) was(시제) the last time you went to a park and what did you do there? A. The last time I went to a park was last month and I took a walk there...

비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 필기 (2)

[ 지난 주, 과제 피드백 ] I think this picture was taken in a department store. There are 1 2 customer and 1 employee. On the left side of the picture, a woman who is wearing red neat sweater is looking at a yellow bag. At the same time, She is holding a bag. It seems like she likes the bag. Behind her, some customers are shopping I can see a woman with her back turn. In the right middle side of the pict..