비즈니스 커뮤니케이션1 기말고사 준비
Question 11. Some people think that owning a pet has many benefits. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Why? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.
My Answer : I agree that owning a pet has many benefits. Raising a pet can be fun for whole family. When I was an elementary school student, our family had a dog. We used to play with him. Sometimes, we went for a walk to the park and spent time together. It was a happy memory. For these reasons, I agree that owning a pet has many benefits.
Question 11. Which way would you prefer to receive training for a job : by taking a course in a classroom with an instructor, or by taking a course on a computer? Why? Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.
Answer : I would prefer to receive training for a job by taking a course in a classroom with an instructor because it would be much easier to concentrate. When I was a new employee at a company, I needed to learn Chinese. So, I took an online Chinese class. However, it was difficult to concentrate and interact between me and my teacher. So, I registered at a Chinese language school near my office. The lesson was very active. As a result, my Chinese skills improved a lot. So, I would prefer to receive training for a job by taking a course in a classroom with an instructor.
Question 11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
- In the future, cities will have fewer green spaces, such as parks and gardens.
Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.
Answer : I disagree that cities will have fewer green spaces, such as parks and gardens in the future. My city, Seoul, is an example of why I think is. About 10 years ago, there were not many green spaces in Seoul. It was full of buildings and factories. But recently, most factories in the city moved out of town and there are some large parks instead. I think this trend toward increasing the spaces where people can relax in the city is likely continue. Therefore, I disagree that cities will have fewer green spaces, such as parks and gardens in the future.
Question 11. Which of the following has the greatest influence on whether or not an author is successful? Choose ONE of the options provided below, and give specific reasons or examples to support your opinion.
- A passion for writing
- Persistence
- Support from friends and family
Answer : I think a passion for writing has the greatest influence on whether or not an author is successful. I have this opinion because I believe that passion can keep an author motivated. For example, there is a famous Korean author who writes a lot of books. He is known as a very passionate writer. To gather ideas for new books, he doesn't hesitate to travel to dangerous places or to meet strangers. He enjoys doing research and spending time every day writing. Because of his passion, he is very successful. So, I think a passion for writing has the greatest influence on whether or not an author is successful.